The Cowboy’s Unlikely Love - MacFarland Ranch Book 9 (ebook)
The Cowboy’s Unlikely Love - MacFarland Ranch Book 9 (ebook)
Sweet n Steamy Romance
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The Cowboy’s Unlikely Love will be the ninth book in the MacFarland Ranch series. This is Tanner and Everly’s story.
He’s the kind of guy who’s only looking to hook up – he’s not interested in anything more.
Tanner MacFarland is widely acknowledged as the good-looking one in the family. Not that his brothers aren’t good-looking – women tend to fall all over them. There’s no ‘all over’ with Tanner – they fall straight into bed with him, and most of them would happily stay there till he kicked them out.
He doesn’t stick around long enough to kick them out – he’s too much of a gentleman for that. He prefers to slip away before dawn. He enjoys playing the game, and he’s careful to only choose women who are happy to play by the same rules.
The last thing he’d want to do is go breaking any hearts. He’s footloose and fancy-free and intending to stay that way … until he sees Everly sitting alone at the end of the bar.
She’s the kind of girl who doesn’t just hook up with guys, she’s looking for something more.
Everly’s in Montana for an interview. She desperately needs a new start. But as beautiful as Paradise Valley might be, she doesn’t see how she could make life work there – even if she gets the job. If she were by herself, she’d move there in a heartbeat, but she has Ashton to think about. Her life revolves around her son. It’s hard sometimes, but she wouldn’t change a thing.
Well, she’d love time for a little more fun … And the bartender at the resort where she’s staying seems to be offering a whole lot of fun. The kind of fun she hasn’t had in far too long. She isn’t the kind of girl who’s into one-night stands, but then Tanner isn’t like any guy she’s ever met before. She’d be crazy to turn him down.
They’re about to turn each other’s lives upside down.
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The Cowboy’s Unlikely Love will be the ninth book in the MacFarland Ranch series.
Chapter One Look Inside
Chapter One Look Inside
Chapter One
Everly resisted the temptation to check the time again. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes since the last time she looked. She was here early. If he was going to show, it wouldn’t be for at least another fifteen minutes. As much as she wanted to believe that he would come, the heavy ball of disappointment that was so familiar when it came to him was already lodged in her stomach.
She took another sip of her wine. She’d been tempted to order something stronger and knock it back to calm her nerves, but she had to drive back to the Remington Ranch later. Since she could only have one drink, she’d splurged on a decent cabernet sauvignon. She was surprised that they served it all the way out here in Montana, but perhaps she shouldn’t be. The place had turned out to be a lot more civilized than she’d expected.
Corinne had told her a lot about the area: that there were lots of tourists who came through on their way to visit Yellowstone National Park, there were some big ranches, and more and more transplants who’d moved to the valley over the last few years. Everly had still expected it to be more like the Wild West.
She glanced up when the bartender walked by. Holy crap! That was one sexy cowboy. He was the kind of good-looking that made your jaw drop. She chuckled to herself – judging by the way the women who came to the bar reacted to him and his flirting, she’d bet that he also made panties drop at his command.
“Are you laughing at me?”
He’d stopped right in front of her and braced his hands on the bar. When she looked up into his eyes, he took her breath away – he was just that good looking. He knew it, too. Those big, green eyes danced with amusement as he smiled at her.
She smiled right back. “Not exactly. I wasn’t laughing at you, more at the way you work it.”
He gave her a puzzled look. “You mean work the bar?”
“No. I mean work your advantages while you’re behind the bar.”
He cocked an eyebrow.
“You know damn well what I mean. Every chick you’ve served since I came in has gone away with a dreamy smile on her face, and the hope that she’ll be the lucky one you go home with later.”
He stared at her for a long moment, and then burst out laughing. The sound of it seemed to wrap itself around her, and she had to join in.
“I would say that you nailed it, but you’re not totally right.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Really? What did I miss?”
He leaned toward her over the bar. “There was this one chick who acted like I had no effect on her at all.” He looked down at her glass. “She just ordered a glass of cab like she knew her wines, and then she proceeded to ignore me.”
She shrugged. “I’m too used to being on that side of the bar. I’m not going to start acting like a tourist just because I’m on this side tonight.”
“You’re not a local.”
“Nope, but I think tourists and locals have the same dynamics in bars and resorts, no matter where they are.”
“I guess so.” He smiled, and even though she knew his game and wasn’t interested in playing it, a little shiver still ran down her spine. “He’s a lucky guy.”
“Excuse me?”
“The one you’re waiting on.”
Her smile faded. “Oh, yeah. Right.” She nodded toward the other end of the bar where a big group, who had to be locals, had just come in and were trying to get his attention. “You’d better get back to it. I won’t be much use to you tonight. I’ll be nursing this since I’m driving.”
“You’re not staying here at the resort?”
She shook her head.
“Where then?”
Beyond the looks, he seemed like a decent guy, but she was hardly going to tell him where she was staying. “On one of the ranches.”
He held her gaze for a moment, looking as though he was going to ask which one, but she shrugged, and he seemed to realize that he shouldn’t. Instead, he nodded and held her gaze.
She wouldn’t deny that she enjoyed his attention and sure, she’d love to chat some more with him, but he needed to get back to work, and she needed to prepare herself for what was to come.
“Tanner!” A blonde cowgirl, one of the group who’d just come in, called his name.
He rolled his eyes at Everly. “You’re right. I’d better get back to it. But if you need anything – a glass of water, more peanuts, me to rescue you from your date when he shows …”
She shook her head with a laugh. “I’m good. Thanks, though.”
He made his way to the group at the other end of the bar but looked back over his shoulder at her just before he reached them. When he met her gaze and held it, her tummy flipped over. Phew! If she were at a different place in life, she’d be no different from the girls who were openly ogling him – she’d take him back to her room for the night in a heartbeat.
She took another sip of her wine. She wasn’t at a place in her life where that kind of thing was an option for her. It might be nice to imagine for a minute or two, but then she had to come back to reality – and check her watch. She was still early, and she still had that sad, heavy feeling that he wasn’t going to show.
~ ~ ~
Tanner kept glancing back over at the girl sitting by herself. There was something about her – he didn’t know what it was, but she drew his attention like a magnet. Maybe it was just that he sensed a kindred spirit in terms of a fellow bartender. That had to be it. She certainly wasn’t his usual type. She was attractive, but she wasn’t all dressed up and made up like the girls he usually went for.
He rolled his lips together as he mulled that over. He scanned the bar; there were two girls he’d already flirted with, and each of them met his gaze with a smile. They were both his type. In full makeup and wearing low-cut tops, they each gave off signals that they were out for a good time – and were open to going home for one, too.
He checked on the girl sitting by herself again. She was giving off totally different vibes. She seemed relaxed and at ease with herself. He knew that she was waiting for some guy, but she didn’t seem nervous or antsy about it. She was chill, at home in her own skin. She kind of reminded him of Laney.
Scratch that, she didn’t look anything like Laney, and she wasn’t as … cocky.
Laney gave him a puzzled look when she sensed his gaze on her. “What’s up, brother? Why are you looking at me like that? It’s not like you to waste any time looking at girls you already know – especially your sister. Have you done something wrong? Is there something you need to tell me about?”
“Nope. Just thinking.”
Laney’s fiancé, Luke, who also happened to be Tanner’s best friend, leaned on the bar beside her. “Thinking? While you’re working? That’s definitely not like you – not unless you’re thinking about which lucky lady you’re going home with later.”
Tanner rolled his eyes at them, but he didn’t reply. He didn’t know what to say. They were right – while he was working, he tended to just go with the flow, knowing that by the end of the evening, the flow was most likely to carry him up to one of the rooms in the resort with one of the girls he’d spent the evening flirting with.
Ty leaned in on Laney’s other side and rested his elbows on the bar. He winked at Tanner. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“Nah. You’re just going to accuse me of thinking about who I’m going to chase tonight.”
Ty gave him a sly smile. “Nope.”
“Why not?”
“Because that’s not what you’re thinking, is it?”
“Go on, then. If you’re so smart, why don’t you tell me?”
Ty turned to look down the bar to where the girl was sitting. Tanner felt bad for her when he saw that she was fiddling with her phone. He wondered if her date had texted to say that he wasn’t coming. If that were the case, he hoped it didn’t mean that she would leave right away.
“You’re wondering why you’re so attracted to her – aren’t you? That’s what you’re thinking.”
Tanner narrowed his eyes. “Why would you say such a thing?”
Laney laughed. “Yeah, why would you, Ty? She’s not exactly Tanner’s type, is she?”
“She isn’t, she’s so much more than that. Right, Tan?”
Tanner met his little brother’s gaze and held it. He was tempted to make a joke, shrug it off, but … He didn’t want to. Ty was right. Just from the brief interaction he’d had with her, Tanner knew that girl was completely different from the ones he usually went for and not just different, but as Ty had said, there was something … more to her.
“Laney, stop it!” he hissed at his sister when he noticed that she was openly staring at the girl with a puzzled look on her face.
Laney turned back to him with narrowed eyes. “I hope you’re not being an asshole, Tan.”
“What the fuck? What do you mean?”
“I mean just because she’s not all dolled up, it doesn’t mean that she’s any less … less anything than the type you usually go for.”
“I know! Didn’t you hear what Ty said?” He glanced at Ty. “You were right; there is so much more to her.”
Ty chuckled. “And I was also right that you’re attracted to her, wasn’t I?”
Tanner blew out a sigh. “Yeah, okay! I admit it. There’s just something about her. I was trying to figure out what it is.”
Laney grinned at him. “Well, if you’re serious, I can tell you exactly what it is.”
“Go ahead then, oh wise one.”
Laney laughed. “You’re always attracted to good looking women, and she is definitely that. In fact, if she were wearing the same outfit as her…” She inclined her head toward the blonde who Tanner had been chatting with earlier “… and had her hair and makeup done the same, I bet she’d look even more stunning. But your friend there, is just … She’s just … real. I mean, she could be one of us.”
Tanner looked over at her again. She looked a little self-conscious when she turned in their direction, obviously having noticed that they were all staring at her. He raised his hand and waggled his fingers in a little wave as he gave her a rueful smile.
Laney batted his hand down. “Don’t do that shit!”
“You know exactly what,” said Luke with a grin. “You always do that cute little wave thing, and women eat it up.”
Tanner stared down at his hand, as if it were guilty of committing crimes he wasn’t even aware of. “I didn’t … I wasn’t …”
Ty laughed. “That’s the trouble, bro. You’ve done it so often for so long, that it just comes automatically to you now.”
“I guess. It doesn’t matter anyway; I need to keep moving.” He’d fixed their drinks and served them, Kolby and Callie, Janey and Rocket, and Ty’s girl, Shay, while they’d been talking. The bar was starting to get busy, and he needed to hustle.
~ ~ ~
Everly forced herself to drag her gaze away from the sexy bartender and his friends. She wasn’t thrilled that they were obviously talking about her, but it was no big deal. She looked down at her phone again – she was more concerned about being stood up. Sure, she’d held out some hope but the little bit that she’d had was quickly fading away. That heavy feeling in her stomach now felt like a ball of lead. She should be used to it – she was used to it; it had been this way for as long as she could remember.
Her heart started to pound when her phone buzzed in her hand, but it sank again when she saw that it was just an email notification. She set the phone down and took a slug of her wine. She’d been making herself sip it to make it last, but if she faced reality and admitted to herself that he wasn’t going to show, she could finish it off and leave.
She looked to her left when a cowboy climbed onto the empty stool beside her and greeted her with a smile.
“Are you ready for another?” he asked, nodding toward her glass.
“No, thanks. I’m good.” She reached for her phone again. She might as well read the email, and hopefully give this guy the hint.
She was aware of the bartender coming to serve him, but she didn’t allow herself to look up.
“What can I get you?”
“The usual, thanks, Tan. And another glass of wine for my friend here.”
Everly pursed her lips. Apparently, he wasn’t taking the hint. She looked up when the bartender said, “She’s not your friend.”
“What makes you think that?” the other guy asked.
The bartender winked at her, and Everly couldn’t hide a smile when he said, “Because she’s switching to soda after that glass of wine – and I know that because she’s my friend.”
“Shit, sorry, Tanner. I didn’t realize … I didn’t …” The guy looked at Everly again.
She shrugged. It wasn’t difficult to guess why he looked so surprised. She didn’t even know the bartender – Tanner, apparently – but even she wouldn’t expect him to step in and claim her as his friend – if she looked like the blonde who’d been watching him closely ever since Everly came in then she’d understand it, but…
“No problem.” Tanner set a bottle of beer on the bar, and the other guy paid him, saying “Keep the change,” before sliding down from the stool and disappearing into the crowd.
Tanner braced his hands on the bar and leaned toward her. “You doing okay?”
She shook her head with a smile. “I am. Thanks. I could have handled him.”
“I don’t doubt it, but you shouldn’t have to. Besides, we wouldn’t want your date to arrive and find some guy hitting on you, would we? What time’s he coming?”
She made a face at him. “Eight o’clock.”
Tanner glanced at his watch but didn’t comment – it was already a quarter after eight.
She was tempted to tell him that she knew he probably wouldn’t come, but what would be the point?
“Does he know the way here?”
She opened her mouth, about to say yes, he did, but again, what was the point? Instead, she shrugged. “Probably.”
Tanner leaned a little closer, a small smile playing on his lips. “Is this a blind date?”
She let out a short, bitter laugh. “No.”
“A reunion with an ex?”
“That’s closer to the mark, but not exactly.”
“Who is this guy, then?”
Everly shook her head sadly. “He’s …” She felt like she owed Tanner an explanation of some sort, but as friendly as he might be, she didn’t need to launch into telling him her whole life story. “I guess you could say he’s the one that got away.”
He met her gaze and held it. “Is he worthy of you?”
She gave him a sad smile. “If you go by his track record, then the answer has to be no.”
“Then why waste your time hanging around waiting for him?”
“I guess we don’t get to choose who we love, do we? I know you’re right – I should give up on him. Maybe this time, once I go home, I will. It’s just … He’s kind of … I guess you could say that he’s the love of my life.”
Tanner blew out a sigh and nodded. “I can’t say that I get it – I don’t. But I can respect it. I said it earlier, and I’ll say it again – he’s a lucky guy.” He looked at her now almost empty glass of wine. “Seems to me that you need another one of those.”
“I told you; I have to drive.”
“If he shows, surely he can drive.”
She gave him a wry smile. It was no doubt just as obvious to Tanner as it was to her that he wasn’t coming.
Tanner winked. “And if he doesn’t show, I can give you a ride. I pass Remington Ranch on my way home.”
She stared at him, and he chuckled. “There are only two ranches around here that have a guest lodge. You have to be staying at Remington Ranch.”
“Because the other lodge is at MacFarland Ranch, and if you were staying there, I’d have seen you.” His smile faded. “I don’t want to creep you out or anything. It’s just a friendly offer of a ride home later if you need one.”
He pointed toward his group of friends, and a couple of them waved at her. “We can bring as many chaperones as you like. That’s my family.”
“All of them?” she asked in surprise. It wasn’t the most relevant detail to pick up on but…
Tanner laughed. “No, that’s not all of them. There are a few who aren’t here tonight.”
She looked down into her glass and then back up at him. She should probably just thank him for the offer and leave. But… “What the hell? Why not? Go on, I’ll have another.”
He grinned as he refilled her glass. “Since we’ve established that we’re friends, we should probably know each other’s names, don’t you think? I’m Tanner.” He held his hand out across the bar, and she chuckled as she shook it.
“Nice to meet you, Tanner. I’m Everly.”