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Dream Like Nothing's Impossible - Summer Lake Book 10 (ebook)

Dream Like Nothing's Impossible - Summer Lake Book 10 (ebook)

Sweet n Steamy Romance

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1398+ 5-Star Reviews

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April brought her son Marcus to Summer Lake to escape their old life--to escape her ex husband, Guy. She's spent the last couple of months building a new life. It might not seem like she has much. She has a job at the bakery, they live in a little rented house, but as far as April's concerned she has everything she needs. She has Marcus and she has her freedom.

And she has a little crush, too, on Eddie, the drummer with the band at the resort. She knows it's crazy, what would a guy like him see in a woman like her? When he asks if she'd like to spend some time with him, she knows it's only because all their friends are coupled up. It's not much fun being single at the lake, so if the two of them can help each other out, then why not?

Eddie's tired of the life he's been living. He's done the partying and the groupies, and they were never really his thing anyway, they just went with the lifestyle. These days he'd rather hang out at his house on the water, he'd rather fish from the dock or just chill than party. He'd rather get to know April, but he knows a girl like her wouldn't be interested in a guy like him. Still, Eddie made a promise to her son that he'd teach him to play guitar. The little dude seems to have lived through enough disappointment in his life already. Eddie doesn't intend to let him down, and if that means he gets to hang out with April, too, then everybody wins, right?

These two are both ready to take their lives in a new direction, but before they can they'll each have to break free of the past.

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Dream Like Nothing's Impossible is the tenth book in USA Today Bestselling Author SJ McCoy's international hit Summer Lake Romance series, loved by over 1,000,000 fans of sweet and steamy romances. 

Readers say:

"Another FANTASTIC addition to this series!!!!"

"SJ's perfect penmanship, great character development and humor, makes all of her books a real joy to read. They also are very heart-warming books. The kind that will keep with you for days after you finish reading, or if you're anything like me....even longer."

"I fell in love with Eddie. Strong, sexy, thoughtful and kind. April was sweet and feisty and a great mom. Together they were perfect." 

"A beautiful, heartwarming story with some heat and angst and a happily ever after. SJ McCoy is now an auto-buy for me. Love her work."

"Oh my goodness, she has done it again another fantastic book. S.J. McCoy has an amazing writing style that makes you invested in the story."

"SJ McCoy writes the best romance stories I've ever read. Her books are one of the few that I can read more than once ( honestly this is the 3rd or 4th time I've read this one). You can't go wrong with ANY book by this author."

"I absolutely love this series...I never want the story to end!"

"I love McCoy's books, because I feel like I'm sitting right next to my friends sharing life's journey wherever they go. Get lost for a few hours with your friends from Summer Lake or the Remington's in Montana... Like true friends where you pick up where you left off, where no time as passed! Enjoy!"

"Another wonderful treat from SJ McCoy that you can sink your teeth into. When I see this author's name on the upcoming book, it a no brainer for me. I automatically hit that buy button, with no hesitation what-so-ever. Why? Because I always know that I can count on her to keep me thoroughly entertained for hours on end. She has hasn't disappointed me yet, and I expect she never will.

    Chapter One Look Inside

    Chapter One

    “Are you nearly ready, Marcus? They’ll be here soon.” April stood at the bottom of the stairs, wondering what on earth was taking him so long.

    “Nearly,” he called down.

    “Be as quick as you can, then.”


    April went back through to the kitchen and sat down at the table. Then she stood up again. She should be used to this by now. Marcus had spent the night with Ethan who knew how many times since they’d moved here to Summer Lake. She still fretted. She knew he and Ethan had a great time together. She knew Megan and Michael took the best care of him, but still. If she was honest with herself, she was lost without him. She didn’t know what to do with herself, so she spent the time wondering what Marcus was doing. How silly was that?

    She looked up at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. “They’re here!” she called as she went to open the front door.

    “Coming.” Marcus appeared at the top of the stairs carrying a huge backpack. She knew it would be stuffed with computer games and books.

    She opened the front door. “Hi, Mrs. Preston!” Ethan came barreling up the path toward her. “Can I come in?”

    April didn’t even have time to answer as he slipped by her, shouting, “Come on, Marcus! Have you got everything?”

    “Ethan!” shouted Megan as she followed in his footsteps. “Don’t be so rude!”

    “That’s okay,” said April with a smile. “They just get excited.”

    “I know, but that’s no excuse to nearly knock you over!”

    April looked back inside to where Ethan was standing at the bottom of the stairs with Marcus. He gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry.”

    “It’s okay.”

    “Just don’t do it again.” Megan gave him a stern look.

    “Do you want to come in for a while?” asked April. She liked chatting with Megan, and she wasn’t looking forward to the empty evening that stretched ahead of her.

    “I’d love to…”

    “But Dad’s taking us out on the boat, and we need to get going.” Ethan picked up Marcus’s bag.

    “Slow down, monkey!” Megan said with a laugh. “Your dad’s going to be a little while yet, and I want to stay for a few minutes. You and Marcus can play just as easily here as you can at our house.”

    Ethan shrugged. “Okay.” He turned to Marcus with a grin. “Do you want to go outside? We won’t be here long, so there’s no point getting everything out of your bag.”

    Marcus nodded and followed him to the back door. He looked up at April when he got there, and she nodded. She hoped that someday soon he’d get over his need to seek permission before he went outside. That was just one of the many daily reminders of their life with his father.

    Megan smiled at her once the boys were outside. “I’m sorry about Ethan. He’s a good boy, really; he’s just a bit full of himself.”

    “Oh, my goodness. There’s nothing to apologize for! He’s wonderful. So, he’s not backward about coming forward? That’s a good thing in my book. A very good thing. I don’t mind telling you that I hope he’ll wear off on Marcus.”

    Megan smiled. “And I don’t mind telling you that I hope Marcus will wear off on him. I wouldn’t change Ethan for the world, but if he could pick up some of Marcus’s manners, I wouldn’t complain.”

    “They’re good for each other. I’m glad they’ve become such good friends so quickly. Can I get you a drink of anything?”

    Megan shook her head. “Thanks, but we really can’t stay too long. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay? What are you going to do tonight and tomorrow?”

    April had no clue! Marcus was going to be staying over at their place tonight and wouldn’t be coming home until suppertime tomorrow. She was happy for him and knew that he’d have a wonderful time. But for her, the next twenty-four hours loomed large and empty. She smiled at Megan. “I should probably clean house and…I don’t know…I’ll come up with something.”

    “You’re welcome to come over tomorrow, if you like. We’re just going to be hanging out at home.”

    She shook her head. “That’s kind of you, but it wouldn’t be fair—to you guys or Marcus. I’ll be fine.”

    “Call me if you change your mind, or just come on over anytime.”


    “I think some of the gang are meeting up at the Boathouse tonight. You should go.”

    April shuddered. She liked all the gang, but she didn’t like the idea of going to join them—by herself and uninvited. “I think I’m going to find myself a movie to watch tonight.”

    Megan gave her an enquiring look. “You don’t want to go, or you’re scared to?”

    April hadn’t quite figured Megan out yet. She was quiet, and she seemed timid much of the time too, but she was never afraid to offer her opinion or ask the hard questions. She shrugged. “Either way. It adds up to the same thing. I’m not going to go.”

    “They’d love to see you, you know.”

    She shrugged again. “Everyone’s always so kind, but…”

    “But what?”

    “Well, for one thing, I’ve never liked walking into a place by myself. For another, it’s not as though anyone invited me to join them. And besides, I feel like the odd one out most of the time, you know, all the couples.”

    Megan looked thoughtful. “I do know what you mean. And I’m not trying to force you. If you’d rather stay home by yourself, no one understands that better than I do. But if you do want to go, I don’t think you should let anything stop you.”

    April sighed. “You’re right. I shouldn’t. Maybe I will.”

    Megan’s phone rang and she fished it out of her pocket. She gave April an apologetic look. “Sorry, it’s Michael.”

    April smiled and went out the back to check on the boys.

    Megan came out to join her a few moments later. “Sorry. He’s home already; we should get going. Come on, boys.”

    April couldn’t help hugging Marcus a little too tight as she said goodbye at the front door. “You be good.”

    He smiled up at her and squeezed his arms tight around her waist. “I don’t have to go.”

    She ruffled his hair. He was such a good boy. It made her happy that he looked out for her so much, but it made her a little sad too. The way his father had treated them both had made the boy wary and perhaps a little too sensitive to her. “Yes, you do! You’re going to have a great time! And I’m going to have a rest and watch some of my sappy movies. You wouldn’t have any fun if you stayed.”

    “Are you going to be okay?” he asked.

    “I’m going to be just fine. Don’t you worry about me. You go and have lots of fun so you can tell me all about it tomorrow night when you come home.”

    “Come on!” Ethan was waiting not so patiently at the front door. “Let’s go.”

    Marcus followed him up the path to Megan’s car. He turned back to look at her before he got in. She gave him her best reassuring smile. “See you tomorrow.”

    Once they’d gone, she came back inside and plonked herself down on the sofa. She didn’t feel like watching a movie. She decided to get her laptop out instead. Maybe she could take another module of her classes. She’d been studying for a bunch of different certificates that would help her in her new role in the women’s center.

    ~ ~ ~

    “Looks like it’s going to be a busy one,” said Ben.

    “Yeah, and not my favorite kind,” said Kenzie.

    Eddie had to laugh at the face she made as she wiped down the bar. “Never mind, Kenz,” he said. “We’ll keep ‘em busy on the dance floor as much as we can.”

    She put her hands on her hips and scowled at him. “You’re not helping, Eddie. Not helping at all. I’d rather be slammed here at the bar serving silly drinks to giggly bachelorettes than watch them shake their stuff on the dance floor at you and my husband!”

    Chase smiled at her from his perch on the stool next to Eddie. “You know I only have eyes for you, lover.”

    Kenzie looked so different when she smiled back at him. “It’s not you I’m worried about. It’s them. They get all tipsy and stupid and try to molest you.”

    Eddie laughed again, remembering the two girls that had a gotten a bit carried away last weekend and kept touching Chase’s ass whenever they could get close enough. “I’ll do my best to fend ‘em off for you.”

    Kenzie turned her smile on him. “Thanks.”

    Ben left them to answer the bar phone when it started to ring. He came back a moment later. “It’s for you, Kenzie. It’s Megan.”

    Kenzie looked thoughtful as she came back.

    “Is everything okay?” asked Ben.

    She nodded. “Yeah, Megan’s got Marcus tonight, and she’s worried about April being home alone. She wondered if there’s anything I could do to get her to come out. I know Renée and Gabe are coming in tonight; she could hang with them if we can get her here.”

    Eddie did his best not to look too interested. He’d love to see April come out and enjoy herself. She’d joined in with everyone when they were in Vegas for the weddings, but he hadn’t seen her around much since. It must be hard for her. She had Marcus at home, and all the people she knew were coupled up. Well, nearly all of them. He wasn’t.

    “I don’t mind if you want to go get her,” said Ben. “You could go now before things pick up too much. It’d do her good to come out, but she won’t come unless someone makes her.”

    Kenzie grinned. “Thanks, boss man. I think I will. Do you know if anyone else is coming? Missy maybe? April likes talking to her.”

    “No, Miss and Dan are up at her dad’s tonight. Jack and Emma said they’d stop in.” Ben smiled. “And I imagine we’ll see Nate.”

    Chase laughed. “I thought we were looking for reasons April should come in, not reasons she should stay away! Nate’d scare the pants off her.”

    Kenzie laughed with him. “More like charm the pants off her!”

    Eddie took a swig of his beer and looked away.

    Ben caught his eye and gave a slight shake of his head. “You go see if you can get her to come out, Kenzie. I’ll hold the fort here, and I’ll call Nate, tell him he’s got a whole bachelorette party full of options tonight.” He looked at Eddie again. “And that he needs to stay well clear of April.”

    Eddie took another drink then climbed down from his seat. “I’m going to go do a sound check.” Ben was onto him. And he knew Chase was, too. He didn’t want to stick around for any questions that might come his way. He was being stupid. April wasn’t his type. Well, that wasn’t true. She was just his type, physically—with her blonde hair, her tiny figure, and her beautiful face—she was gorgeous. But more to the point, he wasn’t her type of guy, and he knew it. She was responsible, a single mom who’d survived a bad marriage. He was just a guy who played in a band. If she was coming out tonight, he should probably stay out of her way.

    “Are you okay?” Chase caught up to him when he reached the stage.

    “Yeah, I’m great. Should be a good night, huh?” He cast a gaze out toward the long tables where rows of already rowdy women were seated.

    Chase gave him a skeptical look. “This is me you’re talking to, remember? You can’t fool me. You’re more interested in whether April’s going to be here than you are in any of them.” He jerked his head toward the women.

    Eddie shrugged. He wasn’t going to admit it.

    “I’m surprised you haven’t done anything about it yet. When we were in Vegas, you said you thought she might need a friend, and you were going to offer your services.”

    Eddie nodded. He had, but when they’d returned to the lake, he knew he’d just been kidding himself. He and April had nothing in common—other than the fact that they were both single. “I don’t see her being interested in a guy like me.”

    “As a friend, or…?”

    “As anything.”

    “Okay. I’m not going to push it, but…”

    “But what?”

    “Nothing. I just remember the way you talked about how hard it is to be single around here. I feel bad. I’d like to see you find someone.”

    Eddie laughed and punched his arm. “What, so I’m supposed to find myself a woman to make you feel better?”

    “No, you’re supposed to find a way to talk to April to make yourself feel better. I know you like her, and I know you’re ready for something more than a fresh groupie every weekend.”

    Eddie finally met his gaze. “I dunno, Chase. I do like her, but I don’t see anything happening. I mean she’s been through a lot by the sounds of it, and then there’s Marcus to think about, too.”

    “Yeah, I thought you were going to teach him to play guitar?”

    “I was.”


    “But, I haven’t seen them around since Vegas.”

    Chase grinned. “You’re going to see her tonight.”

    ~ ~ ~

    “Hey.” Ben smiled at April as she took a seat at the bar. “I’m glad you came. What can I get you?”

    “I didn’t have much choice.” She smiled at Kenzie. “I thought the place must be empty the way your bar manager came out to my house to frog march me in here.”

    Ben laughed as Kenzie made her way behind the bar. “I did not frog march you in here! I just suggested that you might enjoy a night out.”

    April laughed. “Sorry. I’m glad you did. I wouldn’t have come by myself, but this is more fun than sitting at home taking another class.”

    “Well, we’re glad you’re here,” said Ben. “What would you like? It's on the house.”

    Kenzie appeared at his side and placed a shot in front of her. “This first one is on me,” she said with a grin.

    April eyed it warily. Kenzie had plied her with shots when they were in Vegas to get her up to dance. They’d worked, too. Perhaps a little too well! And she’d had a horrible headache the next morning.

    “Go on. Don’t argue. Just drink it up, and then we can get you something else.”

    April looked from Ben to Kenzie to the shot and back again.

    Ben laughed. “I would if I were you. Don’t worry; I won’t let her force any more on you.”

    Kenzie gave him the evil eye, then smiled as April picked up the drink and knocked it back—why not? It was only one. And she needed a little Dutch courage.

    Chase appeared and pulled up the seat beside her. “Hey. It’s good to see you!”

    She smiled. “You, too.” And it was. Even though he wasn’t the band member she really wanted to see. She turned to look at the stage. There he was! She sucked in a deep breath and almost wanted to ask Kenzie for another one of those shots! The sight of Eddie checking over the equipment did funny things to her insides. There were a lot of handsome men around here, but Eddie? Wow! He was amazing! She’d only meant to glance over for a moment to see if she could spot him, but she was still looking when he turned her way. His gaze met hers and he smiled. What a smile! She smiled back. She felt safe to admire him from a distance like this. Chase put a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll call him over.”

    Oh no! She couldn’t face that! She wouldn’t know what to say to him! It was too late, though; Chase raised his hand to beckon his friend over, and Eddie started heading their way. Her heart started to hammer in her chest. She could only hope that she wouldn’t make a total fool of herself!

    She needn’t have worried, though. Eddie didn’t even get halfway across the dance floor before he was waylaid by a couple of girls who were all dressed up and ready to party by the look of them. Of course, he stopped to talk to them. They were his kind of people. Why would he come over to talk to frumpy old her when he could chat with them and set himself up with a private party of his own for later. She slid down from her seat. “I need to visit the ladies’ room.”

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